
Posts about fun facts about teeth

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Smiling Can Go A Long Way

Smiling is something most people do without even thinking about it most of the time. You might smile at a familiar face, something that you[…]

Nighttime Oral Health Care

Keeping your mouth clean isn’t just a day job. It’s just as important to practice nighttime oral care as it is to keep your teeth[…]

10 Of The Most Interesting Facts About Teeth

You may not think about your teeth much. You might even consider them boring. But here are 10 fun and interesting facts about your teeth[…]

The Don’ts For Toddlers & Their Teeth

Baby teeth are more important than you think. They pave the way for a happy, healthy smile in the future. They most importantly create healthy[…]

Tooth-Harming Habits To Ditch

We can’t stress enough of how important it is to have hardy and strong chompers. There could be some habits you go-about on a daily[…]

What Dentist Appointments And Oil Changes Have In Common

Ever get your teeth cleaned and feel like you’re getting a tune-up on your pearly whites? If so, you’ve made the right correlation. Getting your[…]

Is Fruit Juice Affecting Your Teeth?

Ahh, fruit juice. It has amazing health benefits, especially being full of Vitamins and antioxidants, but did you know that it can take a toll[…]

Plaque vs. Tartar: What’s The Difference?

fun fYou’ve probably heard of these two troublemakers before. As we all strive to keep these guys away and off our teeth, we want to[…]

Common Mistakes When Using An Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes are known to clean teeth more effectively than regular toothbrushes. However, if you aren’t using the electric toothbrush properly, you won’t receive the[…]

Teething: What To Know And How To Take Action

So first thing is first, what is teething? Teething is when your first set of teeth break through the gums. Pressure from the teeth poking[…]