
Posts about pediatric dentistry of fort myers

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Smiling Can Go A Long Way

Smiling is something most people do without even thinking about it most of the time. You might smile at a familiar face, something that you[…]

Nighttime Oral Health Care

Keeping your mouth clean isn’t just a day job. It’s just as important to practice nighttime oral care as it is to keep your teeth[…]

Procrastinating a Dental Visit?

Whether being busy, or having anxiety about going to the dentist, procrastinating a visit can have serious consequences. When we see a patient due to[…]

FAQ’s: Dental Talk

Questions about your teeth probably pop into your head while you’re brushing and flossing or even when you least expect it. But then at your[…]

The Don’ts For Toddlers & Their Teeth

Baby teeth are more important than you think. They pave the way for a happy, healthy smile in the future. They most importantly create healthy[…]

Tooth-Harming Habits To Ditch

We can’t stress enough of how important it is to have hardy and strong chompers. There could be some habits you go-about on a daily[…]

Dental Health Tips During Cold And Flu Season

It’s that time of year again.. people are coughing and sneezing and germs can be anywhere at any place. Not many people enjoy getting the[…]

Here’s The Scoop On The Tooth Fairy

One of the most exciting things about losing baby teeth is placing each tooth under a pillow before going to bed for the tooth fairy[…]

Is Fruit Juice Affecting Your Teeth?

Ahh, fruit juice. It has amazing health benefits, especially being full of Vitamins and antioxidants, but did you know that it can take a toll[…]

Whitening Toothpaste: Why It May Not Be Effective

Let’s face it, we all want the whitest teeth possible. But have you been trying the hardest to get those desired results that aren’t apparent[…]