
Posts about dental facts for kids

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How To Get Rid Of White Spots On Your Teeth

What are white spots the spots on my teeth? Whether you have had them all your life or are recently seeing them appear, white spots[…]

10 Of The Most Interesting Facts About Teeth

You may not think about your teeth much. You might even consider them boring. But here are 10 fun and interesting facts about your teeth[…]

Common Dental Hygienist Tools

Those shiny silver tools that are propped next to you in the dentist’s chair may look intimidating, but they’re not as scary as you think.[…]

Is Fruit Juice Affecting Your Teeth?

Ahh, fruit juice. It has amazing health benefits, especially being full of Vitamins and antioxidants, but did you know that it can take a toll[…]

Whitening Toothpaste: Why It May Not Be Effective

Let’s face it, we all want the whitest teeth possible. But have you been trying the hardest to get those desired results that aren’t apparent[…]

Are You Brushing Too Much?

All you smile lovers out there strive to keep your teeth healthy and bacteria-free, am I right? But how much cleaning is too much cleaning?[…]

Which Toothbrush is Right For You?

Choosing the right toothbrush can be crucial for enhancing a happy, healthy set of chompers. We have a few ideas to keep in mind when[…]

What Are Your Teeth Actually Made Of?

Let’s take things step by step here. First and foremost, your teeth have several layers to them; each with a purpose. The hard outer shell[…]

Tooth Sensitivity: How is it Caused?

It’s a hot summer day and you’re craving something cold for a refreshing treat. You grab a popsicle and start chowing it down. As you[…]

What Are Tooth Mamelons All About?

Ever take notice of how some of your teeth may have some bumps or ridges on the ends of them? If so, there’s no need[…]