Keeping your mouth clean isn’t just a day job. It’s just as important to practice nighttime oral care as it is to keep your teeth[…]
We can’t stress enough of how important it is to have hardy and strong chompers. There could be some habits you go-about on a daily[…]
Ever get your teeth cleaned and feel like you’re getting a tune-up on your pearly whites? If so, you’ve made the right correlation. Getting your[…]
So first thing is first, what is teething? Teething is when your first set of teeth break through the gums. Pressure from the teeth poking[…]
All you smile lovers out there strive to keep your teeth healthy and bacteria-free, am I right? But how much cleaning is too much cleaning?[…]
Ever take notice of how some of your teeth may have some bumps or ridges on the ends of them? If so, there’s no need[…]
Ever wonder how many teeth certain animals have? How they use them? If they’re any different from ours? Well we have some answers! Let’s take[…]
Having a munch on some sugarless gum can have some benefits for keeping your smile spotless! Not only does it remove any food particles from[…]
It’s easy to see the physical benefits of good teeth – proper chewing (which allows for a good diet), sleeping well (without chronic pain from[…]