
Posts about pediatric dentist

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Pediatric Dentistry of Ft. Myers to sponsor movie nights

Pediatric Dentistry of Ft. Myers, Dr. Tim Verwest, DMD will sponsor family movie nights at the Alliance for the Arts for the 2016 season. This[…]

Baby pacifiers: Pros and cons

Should parents let their infant use a pacifier? According to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), there are benefits as well as a downside to[…]

An apple a day may keep the dentist away

Dietary habits of schoolchildren encourage an increase in sugar intake leading to a greater risk of cavities, reports the Academy of General Dentistry. Over a[…]

5 tips to keep teeth healthy over the holidays

No matter how much you love your dentist, he or she probably doesn’t top the list of people you want to spend quality time with[…]

Dentists’ candy buyback nets over 400 pounds of sweets

Pediatric Dentistry of Ft. Myers, Dr. Tim Verwest, DMD collected over 400 pounds of candy during their Halloween cash for my candy buyback program. The[…]

Use the Tooth Fairy as a teaching tool

In 2013, the Tooth Fairy visited 86 percent of U.S. homes with children who lost a tooth. What kid doesn’t love a magical fairy that[…]

Three reasons to smile

1. Smile for Beauty’s Sake: According to a survey of more than 1,000 Americans nationwide, a smile is the most important physical feature that contributes[…]

Little evidence to support benefits of oil pulling

If you follow health or celebrity news you’ve likely heard the buzz on the latest natural health craze to hit the internet: Oil Pulling. As[…]

Colds, Coughs… and Cavities?

You’re probably aware that candy leads to cavities and sugary drinks can also cause decay. But cough syrup? Unfortunately, it’s true – certain syrupy medications[…]

Big Game, Big Taste: Healthy Snacks During Games

Chicken wings, minus the sweet BBQ sauce. If the sauce is sweet, it’s likely loaded with brown sugar. Instead, opt for a mustard- or vinegar-based[…]

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