
Posts about Dentist for kids naples

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Going to the Dentist

A dentist or medical provider checks teeth and applies fluoride varnish, takes x-rays, fixes cavities etc. Everyone should have regular dental checkups; follow your program’s[…]

Brush, Floss, Swish

Everyone should brush their teeth for two minutes, two times a day (after breakfast and before bed). Use a smear of fluoridated toothpaste starting with[…]

Tooth Healthy Foods

Tooth healthy foods are low in sugar and high in fiber and nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, cheeses, meat, beans, and whole grain breads and[…]

Water for Thirst

Water is the best drink to keep your teeth and body healthy. Water may contain fluoride, a natural mineral that helps prevent cavities. Drinking juice[…]

Baby Teeth ARE important!

Baby teeth are important – they help us smile, eat, talk, and hold space for adult teeth. Baby teeth, also called primary teeth, will start[…]

How Important is Diet to My Child’s Oral Health?

A balanced diet is necessary for your child to develop strong, decay-resistant teeth. In addition to a full range of vitamins and minerals, a child’s[…]

What Should I Do if My Child Chips, Breaks or Knocks Out a Tooth?

With any injury to your child’s mouth, you should contact your dentist immediately. The dentist will want to examine the affected area and determine appropriate[…]

Pediatric Dentistry of Florida Office Tour

 Meet Buddy the turtle and let him show you around Pediatric Dentistry of Florida (also known as Pediatric Dentistry of Fort Myers). #DrVerwest. We’re[…]

Proper Dental Care Prevents Many Problems

Proper Dental Care The effects of poor dental care range from tooth decay and cavities to gingivitis, periodontitis, and tooth loss. Fortunately, proper dental care,[…]

The Benefits of Good Oral Hygiene

The Cost Of Dental Treatments If you develop complications from tooth decay and gum disease, you may be dealing with bills for anything from fillings[…]