
Posts about dr tim verwest fort myers

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Certain Kids Could Benefit From More Fluoride

Fluoride is a mineral that helps teeth become more resistant to decay (cavities). You can help prevent your child from getting cavities by making sure[…]

Use the Tooth Fairy as a teaching tool

In 2013, the Tooth Fairy visited 86 percent of U.S. homes with children who lost a tooth. What kid doesn’t love a magical fairy that[…]

Colds, Coughs… and Cavities?

You’re probably aware that candy leads to cavities and sugary drinks can also cause decay. But cough syrup? Unfortunately, it’s true – certain syrupy medications[…]

Big Game, Big Taste: Healthy Snacks During Games

Chicken wings, minus the sweet BBQ sauce. If the sauce is sweet, it’s likely loaded with brown sugar. Instead, opt for a mustard- or vinegar-based[…]

Important Oral Health Habits for Young Children

Tooth decay can develop any time after the first tooth comes in, starting around 6 months old, and good habits should begin even earlier. Only[…]

Healthy School Lunches

Sometimes getting your kids to eat healthy can feel like pulling teeth. as a father of three kids, I can relate to your struggle. Now[…]

Manual or Electric Toothbrush?

In recent years electric toothbrushes have gained increasing popularity among young adults and children.  Some parents have questioned if electric toothbrushes work better than just[…]

Pediatric Dentistry of Ft. Myers voted “Best of Southwest Florida”

Pediatric Dentistry of Ft. Myers, Dr. Tim M. Verwest, DMD has been voted best pediatric dentist of Southwest Florida 2015 by the Ft. Myers News-Press[…]

Pediatric Dentistry of Ft. Myers to match car wash donations

Pediatric Dentistry of Ft. Myers, Dr. Tim Verwest, DMD will match all donations made during the annual New Horizons of Southwest Florida Super Teens Club[…]

Tooth Friendly Foods

Did you know that every time your children have a snack, the cavity-causing bacteria in their mouths have one, too? When mom and dad choose[…]