
Posts about interesting dental facts

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FAQ’s: Dental Talk

Questions about your teeth probably pop into your head while you’re brushing and flossing or even when you least expect it. But then at your[…]

Are You Brushing Too Much?

All you smile lovers out there strive to keep your teeth healthy and bacteria-free, am I right? But how much cleaning is too much cleaning?[…]

Tooth Sensitivity: How is it Caused?

It’s a hot summer day and you’re craving something cold for a refreshing treat. You grab a popsicle and start chowing it down. As you[…]

Why Tongue Scrapers and Cleaners are Important

You may not always think of going the extra mile to clean your tongue but the benefits from doing so may be worth it. The[…]

How to Get The Best out of Retainers

So the day has finally come to get your braces off and you can’t wait to show the world your new smile. But did you[…]

Why is it Important to Repair Baby Teeth?

You may think that baby teeth eventually just fall out and may not need to be repaired if they have any problems, but they definitely[…]

Fun Dental Facts

At Pediatric Dentistry of Ft. Myers, Dr. Tim Verwest, DMD we try to have fun with our blog posts! Below are 10 interesting dental facts[…]