So first off, what is Gingivitis? This is when gums are tender and inflamed due to bacteria buildup and can easily bleed when performing oral procedures. It is estimated that 90% of adults have these Gingivitis symptoms! But no need to worry, it is easily curable and we have some simple tips to follow in order to keep your gums in tip-top shape:
- Use a soft-bristled toothbrush: As mentioned in the previous post, soft bristled toothbrushes provide a gentle brushing experience that can avoid any irritation to the gums.
- Consider using electric toothbrushes: These guys remove even more bacteria than manual toothbrushes, avoiding any inflammation all together.
- Monitor your flossing techniques: Make sure to target your teeth when flossing, not your gums! This can be done by flossing in a “C” shape against each tooth, sliding it under the gumlines.
- Consider the use of special treatments: This can include prescription fluoride, mouthrinse, or routine cleaning to avoid as much bacteria as possible.
- Exercise!: Get that heart beating and blood pumping to get your body to respond more effectively to Gingivitis.
- Eat healthy: This can benefit your immune system while providing a satisfying stimulation for your gums while you chew.
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