The Difference Let’s face it – for some in past years visiting the dentist wasn’t the most fairy tale experience. Put your mind to[…]
What’s The Harm? Teeth grinding can cause fractring, loosening, or loss of teeth. It can even wear your teeth down to nearly nothing. In this[…]
How often do you think about the health of your gums? Most people assume their gums are healthy and don’t think too much of it.[…]
Smiling is something most people do without even thinking about it most of the time. You might smile at a familiar face, something that you[…]
Easter is slowly approaching and with that comes increased pressure to eat sugary and stain-causing foods. However, you can refrain from indulging in these snacks and[…]
Let’s face it, we all want the whitest teeth possible. But have you been trying the hardest to get those desired results that aren’t apparent[…]
So first things first; when was the toothbrush even invented? Our teeth-cleansing friend was first created all the way back in 3000 BC! But this[…]
You might be surprised how your teeth can tell a little story about you. It all depends on their shape to reveal a little bit[…]
The National Consumer Advisory Board has named Pediatric Dentistry of Florida, Dr. Tim M. Verwest, DMD one of America’s Best Dentist for 2018. This prestigious[…]