
Posts about Dentist for kids naples

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Pediatric Dentistry of Ft. Myers donates to Tropic Isles Elementary

FORT MYERS, Fla. (January 16, 2015) – Pediatric Dentistry of Ft. Myers, Dr. Tim Verwest, DMD donated 100 toothbrushes to Tropic Isles Elementary community problem[…]

Are Cavities Really Contagious?

Surprisingly, yes.  The #1 chronic childhood disease – dental caries – is actually an infectious disease. Moreover, since babies spend a whopping majority of their[…]

The Psychological Consequences of Bad Teeth

It’s easy to see the physical benefits of good teeth – proper chewing (which allows for a good diet), sleeping well (without chronic pain from[…]

The 5 Subconscious Habits You’re Doing that Damage Your Teeth

We all have times when we’re running on autopilot, and we’re pulled in a million different directions. At these times, you might not even realize[…]

Did You Know: Toothbrush Trivia

The toothbrush you recognize today was not invented until 1938. Before then, people would chew on the end of a twig to splay it and[…]

Trivia for Kids: Elephant Teeth!

An elephant has two upper molars and two lower molars that measure one foot across and weigh about 9lbs.  Because elephants grind their food instead[…]

Teeth Trivia for Kids; George Washington

The first president of the US, George Washington, had false teeth after the deterioration in his real teeth forced dentists to remove them.  Washington was[…]

Fun Ways to Recycle Your Toothbrush

We are supposed to replace our toothbrushes every 3 months, when there is noticeable wear, or when we have an illness. So on average, a[…]

6 Surprising Cavity Fighters

Whether you are bound for the calorie-free foods or the sweet and sticky, you’d be surprised at the kind of things your local grocery can[…]

Getting Children to Brush

One of the major lessons for any child is learning how to effectively and regularly brush their teeth. It’s a lot to take on and[…]