
Posts about Pediatric dentistry of florida

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Teething: What To Know And How To Take Action

So first thing is first, what is teething? Teething is when your first set of teeth break through the gums. Pressure from the teeth poking[…]

What To Do When Gingivitis Strikes

So first off, what is Gingivitis? This is when gums are tender and inflamed due to bacteria buildup and can easily bleed when performing oral[…]

Which Toothbrush is Right For You?

Choosing the right toothbrush can be crucial for enhancing a happy, healthy set of chompers. We have a few ideas to keep in mind when[…]

Toothbrush History 101

So first things first; when was the toothbrush even invented? Our teeth-cleansing friend was first created all the way back in 3000 BC! But this[…]

What Your Teeth Say About You

You might be surprised how your teeth can tell a little story about you. It all depends on their shape to reveal a little bit[…]

Tooth Sensitivity: How is it Caused?

It’s a hot summer day and you’re craving something cold for a refreshing treat. You grab a popsicle and start chowing it down. As you[…]

What Are Tooth Mamelons All About?

Ever take notice of how some of your teeth may have some bumps or ridges on the ends of them? If so, there’s no need[…]

Animals Have Chompers, Too

Ever wonder how many teeth certain animals have? How they use them? If they’re any different from ours? Well we have some answers! Let’s take[…]

What You’re Consuming Can Have an Impact on Teeth Staining

If you are noticing your smile starting to losing its sparkle and shine, its time to take action. First, lets find the source of the[…]

Old vs. New Toothbrushes: When to Replace Them

At Pediatric Dentistry of Florida, we want to kick off the new year with your oral hygiene being on point. You may have mastered the[…]